My name is Michael, and (I Am Not A Monster).........
I am realistically orientated with effecicient perception of reality while maintaining a comfortable relationship with it. Unthreatened and unfrieghtened by the unknown, with a super ability to reason, to see truth, and be logically effecient. I am often painfully aware of my own imperfections and joyfully aware of my own growth process, I am often impatient with myself when I am stuck and experience real life pain as a result. I am accepting of these imperfections of self, others and the natural world as the way they are. Perfection. I possess the lack of crippeling guilt and shame; enjoying myself without regret or apology, and possess no unnecessary inhibitions. I am spontaneouse with my inner life, thoughts and impulses are unhampered by convention. My ethics autonomouse and motivated towards continued grown. I painfully focus on problems and people outside of myself, and intuit the mission in life which requires much energy and is my sole purpose for existance. I am quite serene with a lack of worry and devoted to any given duty. I can be found alone and not be lonely, unflappable. I retain dignity amid confusion and personal misfortunes all the while remaining objective. I am a self starter, responsible for myself, and own my own behavior. I have a fresh rather than stero typed appreciation of people and the good in life. Moment to moment life is thrilling to me, as I live the present moment to the fullest. I easily identify and relate sympathetically and affectionionately to mankind, with its kinship for the good, bad and the ugly. Truth is very clear to me, as I can see much of what others cannot. I have profound intimate relationships with very few and am caple of greater love than otheres would ever consider possible as I live and share the benevolence, affections, and friendliness with everyone I encounter. I am often misunderstood in this way. I am able to learn from anyone and am friendly with anyone regardless of class, education, race, color, sex, political or religeouse beliefs. I do not get involved with the means to an ends and am only focused upon the goal and not its result. I make the most tedous task an enjoyable challenge with my own inner standards. I am intrinsic to situations, and very spontaneouse, and can laugh at myself, and never make jokes that hurt others, most jokes arise as questions. I enjoy an inborn uniqueness which carries over into everthing I do, inventive, uninhibited, creative and I see more real and truth easier. I have an inner detachment from culter differentation, although preferences do occur, I am not controlled by them. i work for long term culture improvement, integration, indignation, and injustice, inner autonomy, outer acceptance, and the ability to transcend the outer environment rather than just cope. I am realistically human due to total understanding and acceptance of self, human nature, society, physical reality and nature. Living where opposites no longer conflict and disturbance occurs. Yet if opposites do appear, and disturb I easily see the parrelel. My desires are in excellent accord with reason, reality, and I have retained my childhood like qualities and yet remain very wise.